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Best IVF Specialist in Jalandhar

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Best Fertility Specialist in Jalandhar

IVF Guide

IVF Treatment in India

Get the best IVF Treatment from Dr. Jasmine Kaur Dahyia - IVF, Infertility, Test Tube Baby & Gynaecology Specialist


You may be wondering how everything will come together. While every clinic's protocol will be slightly different and treatments are adjusted for a couple's individual needs, here is a step-by-step breakdown of what generally takes place during an IVF treatment cycle.

IVF Treatment Step One : The Cycle Before Treatment

The cycle before your IVF treatment is scheduled, you may be put on birth control pills. This may seem backward -- aren't you trying to get pregnant? Actually, though, using birth control pills before a treatment cycle has been shown to decrease your risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and ovarian cysts and may even improve the odds of success.

IVF Treatment Step Two : When You Get Your Period

The first official day of your treatment cycle is the day you get your period. (Even though it may feel like you've already begun with the medications you've started before in step one.) On the second day of your period, your doctor will likely order blood work and an ultrasound. (Yes, an ultrasound during your period isn't exactly pleasant, but what can you do?) This is referred to as your baseline blood work and your baseline ultrasound.

IVF Treatment Step Three : Ovarian Stimulation and Monitoring

If your blood work and ultrasounds look normal, the next step is ovarian stimulation with fertility drugs. Depending on your treatment protocol, this may mean anywhere from one to four shots every day, for about a week to 10 days.

You'll probably be a pro at self-injection by now, as Lupron and other GnRH agonists are also injectables. Your clinic should teach you how to give yourself the injections, of course, before or when your treatment begins. Some clinics offer classes with tips and instruction. Don't worry, they won't just hand you the syringe and hope for the best.

IVF Treatment Step Four : Final Oocyte Maturation

The next step in your IVF treatment is triggering the oocytes to go through the last stage of maturation, before they can be retrieved. This last growth is triggered with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Brand names for this include Ovidrel, Novarel and Pregnyl.

Timing this shot is vital. If it's given too early, the eggs will not have matured enough. If given too late, the eggs may be "too old" and won't fertilize properly. The daily ultrasounds at the end of the last step are meant to time this trigger shot just right. Usually, the hCG injection is given when four or more follicles have grown to be 18 to 20mm in size and your estradiol levels are greater than 2,000pg/ML.

IVF Treatment Step Five : Egg Retrieval

About 34 to 36 hours after you receive the hCG shot, the egg retrieval will take place. It's normal to be nervous about the procedure, but most women go through it without much trouble or pain. Before the retrieval, an anesthesiologist will give you some medication intravenously to help you feel relaxed and pain free. Usually.

IVF Treatment Step Six : Egg Fertilization

During ICSI, a single sperm is injected directly into an egg. While you're at home recovering from the retrieval, the follicles that were aspirated will be searched for oocytes, or eggs. Not every follicle will contain an oocyte.